3rd District, California| U.S. House of Representatives

3rd California District - U.S. House
Put my experience to work for you.
I am running for Congress because I believe in our Constitutional Republic. I have a relentless love of country, our people and strong history of service and sacrifice to our nation. California is my home, and I want to fight for it and our people. We are a beautiful State with so much to offer.
I am not a career politician, nor do I think politics should be a career. I believe I can relate to many Californians due to my simple roots, my own struggles and my own experiences. I bring a unique background for the 3rd District given those experiences. If Californian's want a career politician supporting the political class, then I am not your candidate. If they want someone that will defend Constitutional rights, fight for issues, our communities, and hold our government accountable, then I ask to please consider me for that honor.